14 Ways To Repurpose Your Blog Posts

When it comes to content marketing for estate agents, many simply do not know where to start. In fact, if you’re an estate agent posting regular, valuable blog posts to your website, you are already ahead of the curve when it comes to content marketing. But once you have put in the hard work and effort to get your post online, how can you keep interest in it for days, months, and maybe even years? The answer lies in repurposing your work.

Repurposing is a great time-saver when it comes to creating content, as it means you aren’t having to constantly think of new ways to reach your audience. Once you have a blog post written, you can schedule it in its various forms over a long period of time. This not only helps get your message across, but also means that anyone who missed your content the first time round has a better chance of seeing it.

Another great perk of repurposing is that it helps your content to reach a wider audience. Some people prefer video or audio over text, some might choose a podcast over a book – by repurposing your blog posts you are giving yourself the best chance of reaching more people by catering to their preferences. 

And of course, the more people who discover your content, the more people click on your website, helping your target audience to find you.

We’ve talked about why you should repurpose your content, but how exactly should you do it? Here are 14 ideas for you to try out the next time you post to your blog.


Condense your content into a simple, visually appealing infographic to share with your followers on social media.

They may look complicated, but don’t be too alarmed – there is a wide range of free or paid options for creating your own infographic. Our personal favourite is Canva thanks to its large selection of templates and easy customisation.

Here is an example of an infographic we made from our blog post: ‘What Makes a Good Property Photo?’:

Content marketing for estate agents: An infographic about what makes a good property photo, illustrating a way to reuse content.


Today, video is a major player when it comes to content marketing for estate agents, with the average person watching more than an hour and a half of video content every single day.

You can easily transform your blog post into an engaging video by simply presenting the information in front of a camera (although your phone will also do the job).

There is plenty of free video software out there that will allow you to add a simple title slide with your website URL so that everyone who sees the video knows where they can reach you.

When you’re done you can share this on your website, social media or to your own YouTube channel.


Podcasts are huge, and are showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. According to Ofcom, around 7.1 million people listen to podcasts every week (that’s 1 in 8 people!)

Starting a podcast may sound like a mammoth task, but it’s simpler than it sounds. There are a ton of free resources out there to help you get started, and your audio equipment needn’t cost the earth (there’s a range of good quality microphones available on Amazon).

Once you have a blog post written, you’ll have yourself a ready made script – just give it a bit of a rewrite so that it sounds more conversational.

Facebook Live

Facebook lives are a great way of sharing your content with your audience in a really engaging way. In a nutshell, it’s a live broadcast that you film yourself, usually on your phone.

Research shows that it is a highly effective way of content marketing marketing for estate agents – according to Vimeo, 78% of online audiences are already watching video on Facebook Live, so if it’s not something you’re already doing, now is a great time to start!

Instagram Story

If you’ve read our blog post, ‘Getting Started With Instagram Stories for Estate Agents’, you’ll know why we’re big advocates of taking advantage of Instagram stories.

It’s best to use this repurposing technique in a similar way that you would Facebook Live, by filming yourself sharing the tips and tricks contained within your blog post.

You can also add an interactive element by using the question or poll stickers to get some input from your audience.

LinkedIn Post

There are two ways that you can share your blog post on LinkedIn – by sharing the link with a short description and image, or by posting the blog in its entirety as a LinkedIn article.

You’ll find the option to write an article just underneath where you would go to make a post.

Content marketing for estate agents: An image showing where to repost a blog post on LinkedIn as an article.

Twitter Post

This works particularly well for extracting short snippets of information from your blog post, such as facts or statistics. You can share this in either a text post or by creating an eye-catching graphic that will present your information in a more visually appealing way.

Alternatively, you can simply share the link to the post with an accompanying image and a short introduction to the topic.

Facebook Post

You can repurpose your content in a few different ways with a Facebook post:

  • Copy the blog in its entirety, adding a call to action or link to your website at the end
  • Write a short introduction to your post with a link and a graphic or photo
  • Take an excerpt from your blog post and make it into a graphic
  • And don’t forget you can also ‘boost’ your Facebook post as an advert to help you reach a wider audience with very little expense – a word of warning though, Facebook prefers adverts with a small proportion of text, so it’s best to use the second posting method for this one.

Instagram Post

Instagram is obviously a highly visual social platform, so repurposing content here is all about the image.

As with Facebook, you can take excerpts and create graphics to share, or you can simply take an image from your blog post and write an intro as your caption, with ‘Link in bio’ at the end. Then, replace whatever URL is currently in your Instagram bio with a link directly to the post.

Adding relevant hashtags to the end of your caption, such as #sellingyourhouse, will help your post to be found.


Pinterest is a platform that estate agents don’t often use, but it’s a fantastic traffic-generator, perhaps more so than any other social media site – think of it more like a search engine. Once you’ve created your free account, all you need to do is upload your image and attach a short description and the link to your post.

What’s great about Pinterest is that you can make multiple different cover images for your blog to increase their chances of being seen. By using a tool like Tailwind, you can even set your pins on an automatic loop so they are posted to your board periodically.


Quora is a question-and-answer website where users submit their questions for users to post a response too. The site may be US-based, but is used by people worldwide, including the UK, so it’s a great way to get your name out there. For example, take this question below:

Content marketing for estate agents: An image showing an example of a question on Quora where you could reuse a blog post as an answer

If you’ve written a blog post all about how to choose an estate agent (a topic we recommended in our post, ‘Content Marketing: A Powerful Tool for Estate Agents’) you will have a ready-made, detailed answer to this person’s question. Your name and job role are displayed above your answer, so people will know exactly who you are and which agency you are from.


Webinars can be a great way to engage your audience, and the content you write can be a great basis for your webinar topic. A webinar is essentially a workshop or seminar that is held over the internet, consisting of a person doing a live presentation, usually with slides, while attendees watch from the comfort of their own home.

If you have a particularly valuable blog post, you can repurpose the content into the slides that will form the basis of your webinar. As well as being engaging and educational, another perk is that to sign up for the webinar, people will usually have to do so wth their email address, getting them onto your email list.

You will require special software to set up a webinar, but there are lots of free or low-cost options out there for you to choose from.

Opt-In Guide

If you have written several blog posts that tie into a particular topic, you can group them together and create a downloadable PDF (again, you can easily do this in Canva). Once you’ve made your PDF, you can offer it to people on your website in exchange for their email address, which you can set up using your email provider.

The key here is to think of something that would be truly valuable to your ideal client. For example, if you are looking for more vendors, you could create a guide to selling in your area, or your best tips for a smooth sale. 

Email Newsletter

Get more out of your blog post by using it as the basis for your next email newsletter. You can use the body of your email to introduce the topic, copying and pasting the first couple of paragraphs with a link to read more, or you can outline the value of the post with a list of bullet points letting your email subscribers know what they will have learned by the end of it.

Here is an example of this from one of our recent newsletters:

Content marketing for estate agents: A screenshot of an email newsletter showing how blog posts can be reused as content for your email list.

Content marketing for estate agents doesn’t need to be hard. By using the methods we’ve described above, you’ll be getting the most out of your content creation efforts and helping your target audience find the way to your door. Which will you be trying out?