Estate Agent Marketing Tips To Boost Revenue In 2022

A new year is the perfect time to take stock of your business and look for fresh new opportunities to increase your revenue. And while the property market ebbs and flows, there are plenty of key marketing trends and principles that will help you along the way. Some require a bit of strategic planning, while others can be implemented almost …

Property Marketing Trends For 2021

Property marketing trends are always changing, and that’s no different in 2021. Whether through market changes, current events or simply a shift in people’s behaviour, the areas where you need to spend your time evolve from year to year. To make sure you are making the most of your marketing budget and attracting your ideal clients, these are changes you …

How Estate Agents Can Generate More Leads Online

The internet is an invaluable tool for building brand awareness and generating leads for estate agents. When used to its full potential, it can be a way to not only generate leads in the short-term, but to keep them coming in year after year. So if you’re not making the most of it, then it’s high time you did. Here …

Passive Marketing Ideas For Estate Agents

Estate agent marketing techniques are more vast and varied than ever. While it may feel overwhelming at times, the good news is that never before have you had so many tools at your disposal to help your clients find you. Marketing activities can be split into two categories: active or passive. Today, we’re going to look at some passive estate …

Property Marketing In Uncertain Times

Estate agencies are no stranger to industry threats, whether that be government changes, recession or shifting interest rates. But the situation we currently find ourselves in is unlike anything that agents have faced before. With what is going on in the world, it’s natural to feel uneasy and to question what steps you could be taking. But the truth is …

Email Marketing For Estate Agents: What Should I Write About?

Now that we’ve convinced you of the power of email marketing for estate agents, the next step is to figure out what you’re going to write. As with content marketing or social media, at first it can feel like a bit of a minefield. But once you have a solid strategy in place, it’s a fairly straightforward marketing tool that can …

Why Every Estate Agent Should Be Using Email Marketing

Email is a highly underused and undervalued marketing strategy, not just by estate agents, but by a wide range of industries. And it’s easy to see why. One of the oldest forms of digital communication, once upon a time email newsletters were used purely to advertise services and give company adverts. Needless to say, consumers tired of this pretty quickly. …